Kappa Brothers love the Exclusive Campaign Gift!

Brothers Bob Romeiser (’81), Fred Decock (’80) and Kevin Courter (’80) pose with the exclusive campaign gift following a round of golf.

Early supporters of the Damn Proud Campaign are raving about the special gift exclusively available to Brothers who contribute to it. In addition to being recognized on a plaque that will hang permanently on the first floor of the house, every donor receives this framed keepsake watercolor of 501 South Allen Street.

This token of gratitude was developed specially for this campaign, with work and materials sourced right from State College, and it is ONLY available to our generous campaign donors.

Brother Mike Bache ’78 shared this photo of his new lithograph sharing a wall with JoePa.

Want one of these beauties to display in your home or office? It’s easy. Simply make a contribution or pledge in support of the Damn Proud campaign, and we’ll ship one out to you right away!

Your gift funds critical improvements to the house and innovative efforts to connect the Brotherhood using technology, and you get a beautiful, unique way to always remember your home away from in Happy Valley, no matter where you are.


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