Phi Sigma Kappa Penn State Officers Headshots and Bios

Click "Read More" to check out Phi Sigma Kappa's Undergrad Officer list along with headshots and bios!

Read more: Phi Sigma Kappa Penn State Officers Headshots and Bios

Letter for the New Year

First, and foremost, I hope all the best for you, for your family, and for your loved ones in this New Year. It can be odd (and arguably is) that we take the time at each calendar event of January 1 to express our sincere hopes of the best of health and success (in one’s efforts, whatever those may be) in a new year for those who matter to us. Nevertheless, there are certain things in life for which we can do no more than express feelings beyond thought, which are best accepted as decisions made by people who sincerely care, with the outmost best of intentions. I ask that you kindly accept these prayerful thoughts in this light.

Read more: Letter for the New Year

“Why I Pledged…”

Why did you join Phi Sigma Kappa? That's a question we recently asked some alumni, and they delivered! Hear the reasons that Phi Sigma Kappa house became a home away from home ... and would go on to impact the rest of their lives.  

Read more: “Why I Pledged…”