
From Strangers to Brothers

We want to hear your stories but more importantly, we hope that perhaps in thinking about the young men you once were and the bonds you made during your first year with Kappa Chapter you might reach out to that one close friend and rekindle some of the connections you once had. Click "Read More" to find out what you can do!

Read more: From Strangers to Brothers

Include Phi Sig in your Homecoming Schedule!

Homecoming 2019 is fast approaching! While you are making your weekend plans, don’t forget to make time to put some fun Phi Sig activities on your agenda.
Here’s what we are planning:

Read more: Include Phi Sig in your Homecoming Schedule!

Kappa Needs You!

Kappa has shaped all of our lives in some way, whether it was getting our first taste of leadership, meeting our future spouses at a dance or where we first met our best friends. Click “Read More” to see how you can help out.

Read more: Kappa Needs You!