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Old photos are like Thanksgiving turkeys. On one day out of the year, we take time to enjoy them and then wonder why we choose to enjoy them only on special occasions. Why can't we fix a turkey and stuffing on the Fourth of July? So, even though you may have put your Homecoming 2014 memories behind you already (yeah, that game was a tough one), we want to keep the spirit of the weekend alive. Specifically, we want to see your photos from the weekend. The best photo will be featured on our website home page later this month.

You have two options for submitting your photos:

1. Email them directly to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Be sure to include your name, grad year and Phi Sig at PSU.
2. Or, CLICK HERE to add your own photo album (you will need to log in first).

Our deadline for this competition is Wednesday, October 15. So, get your photos in today!