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With the cost of a hard copy newsletter being approximately 50 cents to print, and the price of a postage stamp now at 44 cents, it costs approximately $991 to mail each edition of our printed newsletter.

By providing us with your email address, you are literally putting $1 back into the wallet of Phi Sigma Kappa at Penn State. Click here to update your email address and other contact information today. Your email address will be used solely for Kappa Chapter communications, and won't be traded or sold.

By updating our email database, we can begin relying more on electronic communications and decrease the frequency of print publications.

Did you know that we're missing email addresses for 55% of our alumni? Help us to update the email addresses of other brothers! Click here to view our Lost Email List. If you are in touch with any of these brothers electronically, please follow the instructions on the page to update our database.