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Why did you join?
1960-62 - Phi Sig was a great fraternity. Great brothers, good GPA, comradery, social and togetherness. We had many great times - Loved our ouse mother Mrs.Dawson, had a great cook we called "Bouve" - a dinning room where we would be served by waiters who lived nearby. We had a mascot "Duger" (duges), who unfortuneatley drank as much beer as we did. Our Friday, Saturday night parties were filled and we had a nice atmosphere of caring for each other and for Penn State.

Tell us about your favorite memory of the fraternity
My fondest memories were: MRS Dawson, our house mother. Our formal dance/parties, Duger our mascot, Tony Feraro playing the piano, Bob "Bear" Kohler and his unforgetable wit and wisdom, our participation in Spring week, week end Jam Sessions with bands, many of the brothers and roomates, pride in our pledges and house on South Allen Street and the many friendships we made. Taking Dugar home with me to Feasterville, PA over one spring break.

What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation?
Phi Sigma Kappa has always been with me. The comradery and working together, supporting each other in time of need and learning to be comfortable in offering an opinion. All of which helped in my confidence upon graduation and to this day. Thank you "Phi Sig"

With whom do you still stay in contact? Who would you most like to find?
I am in touch with several brothers. Bill Reberick 64, Bob "Doc" Landis63, Bob "Bebo" Bower61, Don Schnure63, Ron George62, Carl Troutman64, Jack Michener64, and others.

I would like to get in touch with Albert "Hands" Veri '62.

Tell us about your family: Have you married? Do you have children?
I have been married and divorced twice. I have four great children. Three boys and a daughter. My youngest son is 18, and about to enter College in the fall of 2005. I have three grand children and one on the way.

What other activities or organizations were you involved with during your college days?
Tennis team Manager, Honor Society, LA Vie staff, Art and design show participation and award, Spring Week trophy for window painting contest 1961-62?
Tennis Intramurals (lost), Pledge Master, and a bit of beer drinking.

What is your nickname?
Bar - short for Barry

Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates? Tell us about a memorable time with them.
Lived in house. Original roomate John Caspero, Bill" Tweedines" Hovey, and Robert "Doc" Landis.

One asbsolutely memorable time was with Doc Landis. Sorry Doc! He and I had come back from taking our dates to the dorm. We were completely schnookered. Bombed I guess was the word back then. We were in our room, in our bunks next to the window. We each ended up barfing out the window. First, I opened the window and down it all went.Then Doc had to barf. He opened the bottom half of the window and completed his liquid expulsion. I think this happened twice each that night. But - the humorous part of this was, a couple next door kissing on the side of their bulding. Bob and I couldn't have cared less - but I'm sure it discouraged the couple in their moment of passion. We all had many good memories.

What do you do for a living?
I am semi Retired from Advertising/Marketing. I had worked in the field since summer of 1960. Retired in 2002.

What affiliations do you currently have and/or public service do you participate in?
Artist Guild of Philadelphia, many animal preservation and environmental groups, Bass Fishing member, International Fishing member, Honda Cycle club, National Cycle member, Poetry.com National member.

What hobbies do you enjoy?
Photography, fishing, hiking, camping, riding Cycle and writing. Plan to get back to painting.

What are your goals for the next few years?
T o make sure my youg son, Mike, completes his college education. To be a board member of Phi Sigma Kappa( just appointed 01/2005), to live a full life day to day the best I can. I am presently writing an autobiography -a great challenge, and continue to write and have poems published.